live model (pastel)
lyrical composition
From Figurative to abstract works ...

I will open my studio from Saturday 13 June to Sunday 14 June 2015
with the art group Lezarts de la Bievre.
Please feel free to come and visit from 2 p.m to 8 p.m.

Drawing and colors are no different. While painting one is also drawing. The more colors harmonize with each others, the more precise the drawing will be. When color is at its best, form stands out. Here is the secret of sketching and painting, through contrasts and relationship between all those elements. Art is in harmony with nature, and parallel to it. – Cezanne

Cezanne is not painting a man, an apple or a tree. He is using all of them to do a painting with a very special sound which will become a “picture’ – Kandinsky

One doesn’t imitate or copy beautiful things in nature, one admire it, that’s all. With his own talent, the artist will do a similar masterpiece, different from nature” – Fernand Léger “painting’s functions”.

Living at the time in the great city of San Francisco, USA, I started art a self taught artist on live model from 1980 to 1982. Then I registered at City College art department and studied with Rick Rodriguez from 1982 to 1984 and then again from 1991 to 1993. Rick was an abstract painter and amateur of Kathy Kollwitz’s work., an expressionist German painter and sculptor whom I admire. From 1986 to 1990 back in Paris, I studied classical art with Michel King, seascape watercolorist and painter, also a great teacher and lover of classical art. Even though I produced works in charcoal, sanguine, pastel, oil and did collage during all those years, the real need to become a professional artist happened in 1997. At that time I only used soft pastel for its soft, vibrant and sensual colors interested me a lot and seemed to fit my own personality. In 1999, I met the great English portraitist Ken Paine whose strength and loose style fascinates me so much to this day. He gave me the inner self expression “lâcher-prise” that one can find in my portraits with pastel and of course, in the new abstraction with oil pointings that I have been developing since 2005. That last style seems also influenced by Pollock’s work that I have been admiring early on in different museums in the States while living there. I live and work in Paris.

Registered under the Maison des Artistes in Paris, France

I am also represented under the international websites : and under

My studio is opened all year long (morning) on appointment. Please check the number or email below.


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Nicole in her studio
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Français Japonais

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Vidéo N.M.Mathieu - non je ne regrette rien

Nicole M. Mathieu
Nicole M. Mathieu, Paris show in 2011